Our Airbnb in the Costa Rica Jungle
We spent a week in an Airbnb unlike any other rental we've ever stayed in - this was true open-air living in the jungle! Our A-frame bungalow had no walls, so we lived among the monkeys and had the experience of a lifetime. Read on for my review of the good, the bad, and the unexpected.

A Week in the Jungle: Cabo Matapalo, Costa Rica
Shaun had been to Cabo Matapalo on the Osa Peninsula in southern Costa Rica a handful of times growing up, and we finally planned a trip (my first time) to visit last April. I had heard all about it for years and was so excited to finally see the jungle for myself!

Searching for Wildlife: Costa Rica
To be 100% honest, upon arriving to Matapalo on the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica, I felt a tiny bit disappointed. Shaun and his dad had come here many times together and have really hyped up the wildlife - “monkeys everywhere!” - but the first day here was grey, gloomy, and no monkeys in sight… well, after settling in for a day or two, the jungle started to come to life for us and that bit of disappointment was long gone!